Backdrop design for PULS 4 show:
Ninja Warrior Austria
For the private broadcaster PULS 4 and the thrilling show Ninja Warrior Austria, we acted in the background and staged a 1.150 m2 performance. Or rather, installed it.

Design of a visual solution for the stage of the breathtaking action cours show, with focus on show and sender: PULS 4.

Hot stuff: The decorative fabric is flame retardant and fire safety certified. That’s especially important for this project, because the show doesn’t shy away from using flamethrowers.
Good to know: Our giant performance could be seen every Monday from September 13 to October 25, 2021, at 8.15 pm on PULS 4. If you missed the show in prime-time as participants* put their skills, nerves and strength to the test in front of a giant audience in an elaborately designed course, you can stream all episodes on the Puls4 website.
Here’s all the information about the show:

The backdrop design of the huge show stage involved the following protagonists: kapa and forex panels, as well as event trusses covered with printed Blackback decorative fabrics. In this way, we designed a total of 1,150 m2 of stage backdrop.
Credits: PULS 4, Mathias Kniepeiss